Easy Gro Products
The easy way to grow potatoes

Spud Bags

  • You don't have the garden space or maybe no garden at all
  • You find digging in the garden difficult
  • Or maybe you just thought that growing would involve too much time and effort

Our easy to use ‘Spud Bags’ have been developed to overcome all of these problems and more so that everyone can now enjoy the pleasure and satisfaction of growing their own tasty potatoes at home and it couldn’t be simpler.

Easy-Gro have designed and constructed these high quality bags from a tough and durable UV treated woven fabric which has been specially coated inside to block out unwanted light. Each pack contains 3 ‘Spud Bags’ and also includes our comprehensive yet easy to follow step-by-step instructions. When not in use the bags can be folded away and stored for growing next season, so unlike pots they take up little of your valuable space.

Potatoes are the most versatile vegetable around, they also provide a wealth of essential nutrients, but if you have never experienced the taste of home grown potatoes then you really are in for a treat. Home grown potatoes are the ultimate taste sensation.

Whether you are new to growing or are just looking for an easier way to grow, Easy-Gro ‘Spud Bags’ provide the perfect solution.

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Why Use
Spud Bags
Perfect for patios and balconies - You don't even need to have a garden to grow your own potatoes!

It's so simple - Easy Gro Spud Bags ensure there is no digging involved.

Enjoy growing your own potatoes with Easy Gro Spud Bags - Whatever your age.

High quality re-useable bag